Emmy award-winning animation, illustration, art direction and production.

Harvard & the Legacy of SlaveryTimeStamp Media

Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery
Timestamp Media

We created the Graphics and Visual Design for ‘Harvard & The Legacy of Slavery’, a short film Introduction to Harvard University’s entanglements with slavery, it offers an introduction to the first phase of the initiative’s work - the history - and is intended to be presented in the context of the committee’s recommendations for action.

Client: Timestamp Media

 Production Stills


‘Harvard & The Legacy of Slavery’ Graphics & Visual Design:

Design, Direction, Animation and Production by Peepshow

Art Direction & Photography: Miles Donovan
Animation Director: Pete Mellor
Producers: Pete Mellor & Miles Donovan

For TimeStamp Media:

Produced and Directed by Graham Judd
Executive Producer: Vincent Brown
Coproducer: Cara Feinberg
Editor: Mark Dugas
Director of Photography: Jason Longo
Writers: Vincent Brown & Ken Chowder